Wood is brought to a mill either as whole trees or as logs cut to specific lengths. At mills that process whole trees, debarking is normally performed before cross-cutting. This means that there is no diameter sorting for trees before they come to a debarker. Normally, feed speeds are relatively low when debarking tree-length wood. We have extensive experience in debarking whole trees regardless of the country and wood species.
For debarking entire trees, a debarker with a sliding ring is usually considered as the first option. In some cases, air seal technology in the debarking rotor can facilitate the debarking/cutting process significantly. Air seal technology enables you to stop a log inside the debarker. This helps production flow when trees must stop for cross-cutting.
Mills that use cut-to-length logs in their process can organize for debarking to occur either before or after diameter sorting. Debarking speeds are normally much higher when processing logs compared to whole tree lengths. By debarking logs after they are diameter-sorted, you can optimize debarker operation and run at the highest possible feed speed without damaging the raw material or the equipment itself. Many times, log length becomes a critical parameter since any debarking equipment has a limited capacity to handle short logs.